Thursday, January 22, 2009

fun day with Dad

Finleigh was amazing today. She had her daily morning time with Paul, while I went to yoga (my favorite teacher is back from India finally!) When I came home from yoga Finleigh was all smiles and giggles. We then took a nice solid hour long walk with Stanley. Finleigh was packed up in her Ergo during the walk and had a sweet little nap. Stanley was awesome showing Finleigh and I his stomping grounds. We then met our friends that we have't seen in ages for lunch (the beautiful Wolf's) and Finleigh sat at the table with us for almost three hours! She didn't nap, she didn't cry, she just sat in her carseat, ontop of a high chair and hung out, HUNG OUT! When we got home Paul kicked it into Mr. Mom gear. I had to rush to go teach my class at Liberation Yoga... Paul changed Finleigh, Ergoed her and took them both out for another hour long walk. Finleigh was wide awake turning her head to look at everything, then she took another short nap. When they got back, Paul put her in the tubbie, and then fed her a giant bottle. She downed the bottle in one gulp! Pjd and swaddled Paul put her down to sleep for the night in her crib. When I got back from class, I fed her again, she was still hungry. I came downstairs and Finleigh proceeded to seranade us with her adorable coos that span several octaves and then she fell off to a peaceful sleep. What a perfect day.

Click here to to see Finleigh hanging with Paul during morning time

if you want something more animated here are two short videos
Get the Led Out
Post Poo Celebration

Friday, January 16, 2009

Finleigh's first playdate

Today we met a family from my mommy group at the park. Both Stanley and Finleigh had a playdate! The Richies brought their labradoodle Milly and their handsome baby son Will. Stanley played his little heart out, he rolled and romped around with Milly. They played a little soccor and football, well Stanley ate the football. Katie and I stayed on our park blanket with Finleigh and Will. You can see what they were up to here

Thursday, January 15, 2009

More Fun at the Park

Auntie Andrea got us the greatest park blanket. Its the perfect thing because when we go to the park Finleigh is usually bound up in a stroller or the Ergo. Now we can lay her down on the blanket and she and Stanley can both get their exercise. Today was gorgeous. The weather was really, really hot but under a shady tree it was perfect. Finleigh has figured out the basics of crawling I think she'll have it down in no time. Stanley played with all the dogs that walked by and gaurded Finleigh anytime they tried to come near her. It was the perfect outing.
please click here for park pics

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Finleigh is getting bigger

Well we weren't able to go to Hawaii but that didn't stop us from dressing Finleigh in her Opihi (sand dollar ) onesie. I reorganized Finleigh's wardrobe pulling out all the clothes that are now too small and moved in the bigger size. That's when we found this little Hawaiian onesie. As you can see Finleigh is doing her best sand dollar impression. It may not be Hawaii but its very warm here, so she and Stanley got an excursion to the park.

click here for pictures

Friday, January 9, 2009

Finleigh dresses up

As you can see Finleigh enjoys tree pose when she wears tights
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Monday, January 5, 2009

mom and dad visit LA

Finleigh had a visit from her Bubbie and Grandpa. These are formative days, every second of Finleigh's life she is taking in love that will last her for her whole life. She got an extra big dose from her grandparents. They came on the first and left today. It was a very special way to start '09 for our little shark. As you can see my mom was in Heaven and my dad was in awe!

Click here for the pictures

Dawn this is just for you!

Finleigh's bath time is one of my favorite events of the day. Our little shark takes a bath every evening between four and five pm when she is just starting to wind it down for bedtime. She is very calm in her bath, then she eats, snuggles and goes right to sleep.

Click here for corresponding pictures, they will not hurt your computer, they live on the web